It’s like you people do not realize that we are suffering.
How can a whole university go over 48 hours without light? In this heat? With all this sun? With the tests that we are taking and all the stress? In this Ramadan? With all the thirst? Do they want our head to explode? I’m not even going to complain because who can even do anything about it?
This light thing has ruined a good part of my week. It has caused me and my man to fight. If you see me, squeeze small 300k in my hand. I am going through a lot. I am losing weight, my slim is slimming 🥹
I really can’t wait for all this student life to be over because when you think about it, the stress is not even worth it. The time that I’m supposed to be using to learn skills that I can use and make money is the one I’m using to read these annoying notes and handouts. Remember I said I was going to delve into UI/UX design? If you had read my last newsletter, you would’ve remembered. But you people practically ignored me.
I’m not okay. My chest is paining me but as a hard girl that I am, I refuse to cry. I don’t know if now is the right time to start taking online courses on my newly found interest, but I am doing it anyway.
I’ve realized that career issues are not talked about enough because a lot of us don’t get to be heavily invested in a certain potential profession from a young age. It is when we’ve started seeing shege that our eyes will now open and we begin to pursue things we are not even sure of. If I had the chance, possibly in the future, I would love to help individuals struggling with their careers to ease their worries and help them with a smooth sail. That is when I have made it in life in shaa Allah 😁.
For now, since I have decided to transition to tech from a non working, no salary-earning, unemployed student 🤧( if there’s anything like that), I have put some plans into place and they are starting to work. It is nothing serious, I took up an online course learning basic concepts in UX design first. There are more courses I hope to take. I’m also self teaching by watching YouTube tutorials. I’m planning to learn and post about my progress as I go, get in touch with mentors in the field and just keep learning and doing. I’m looking to really gain a lot from this. Let’s hope I see it to the end. I’ll keep you updated.
I’ve really been busy with school work and there isn’t enough time to do anything else really. This stupid light issues is not helping. My phone is currently on 3% but I must still post something today because my stubbornness cuts across this platform too. So I’d try as much as possible to keep writing here hoping you guys keep engaging and learning a thing or two.
Before I sign out (because even my hands are tired), I hope you guys are doing okay and making progress in this life because I always want to hear about it, to know about it. I am constantly in search of stories to keep me motivated and hopeful. So I really hope you are writing your stories beautifully by living truly and doing the best you can.
Your comrade-in-struggle,