Yearning for the ‘friends’ I rarely communicate with now because of a time I thought my problems were bigger than life
Hello beautiful people. I hope y’all are in the best of health and if you aren’t, I pray you be healthy. I couldn’t wait for y’all to receive mails this week so I can settle into the weekend proper and sleep for two whole days 😭
As you’re reading this, just know that your girl is asleep and dreaming about eating party jollof rice.
I have over a hundred subscribers now and I’m so grateful to you guys for doing this with me. It might not be a lot but it is a start, a threshold through which great things will come In shaa Allah. A thousand subscribers does not seem so impossible now, help me reach more audience ❤️
I woke up with the thought of people I no longer communicate with often because I pushed them away 🌚
A few years ago, I was in a really bad place. I made some stupid decisions and unknowingly cut some good people off. Some tried to reach out to me but I didn’t want to let anyone in on what was going on in my life at that point.
My response to a difficult situation was alway to go through it alone. I believed that dragging someone else into my mess was only going to make things more complicated, more overwhelming, more real. The less they knew, the easier it would be to get past it.
I didn’t think there was anything anyone could do about my situation then. But that was just me being immature because it is not all about what they can do but what I can do, knowing I have good people around me.
Problems surface in your life to test you. If you are conscious of the steps you take in overcoming them, conscious of the events that are leading you to a better place, you would know that trying situations often lead to a strength you probably didn’t know you had in you until those problems surfaced. I know I’m making sense 😄
I would say that I probably wouldn’t be taking my life as seriously as I am now if those things hadn’t happened to me.
I am not talking about those things 😂. At least, not yet. Maybe if you still stick around and share my posts, you’d get to know 😉
I’m saying that I was a shitty friend and there are some things that are hard to get back, like a once bubbly relationship or like lending money to someone that is already owing you 😒
So yeah, we grew apart. I wish we hadn’t but life is just life, lifing.
Today, I woke up with a little yearning for the people I rarely communicate with—the people who have somewhat become strangers.