I really appreciate you guys following me and my boring life on this space. It absolutely means a lot. I realize it’s about 8 months since I started Samirah’s newsletter and I have no plans to stop. I do have plans to make this community livelier though. Thank you for encouraging me, little by little. That I might not have a lot of subscribers now doesn’t stop those little comments I get about my writing and how relatable they can be. For this, I am grateful, I wouldn’t have made it this far without your support. It would be amazing to have more of you here, reading my thoughts and feelings and making something of them.
You can leave suggestions on anything you’d want me to write about, or just comment anything at all. I love hearing from you, trust me.
One thing I will do, is write. I do not know how not to. Sometimes I make sense, most times I don’t. It is something that I can’t give up on, at least not completely. And I am not sure how far it has gotten me but it has gotten me somewhere. Something happens to me and the next thing I’m thinking about is how to put it to words, how to create a story from it, how to keep it alive or dead. Sometimes it is not enough to stay only in the memories and for people like me, who can be forgetful 🙃, writing about my experiences helps to keep them more vivid, so I can go back to them whenever I wanted and know how much has changed since then.
It’s one of my favorite things to do, although some think it’s quite boring. But things like reading and writing can never be boring to me even though I haven’t been reading alot these days. I miss my days of reading books and imagining myself as one or more of the characters. It’s way more than watching a movie. It gives you the power to paint pictures and give them life. It is exciting for us that love to escape the normal, to hide somewhere even though it’s inside the pages of a book or in the joining of letters, creating a story and hoping it resonates with someone out there.
PS: If you love me, buy me books.
Hi, i think you're doing an amazing job. Your writing is coherent and well articulated. I love reading about politics and economy, i will one day love to read about these topics from you. Keep the good work. Bye!